Resources For Families

If you need more support than these free resources can provide, it might be time to reach out to schedule a lactation consultation.

Springs Lacation Guide To Hand Expression

On Bottle Feeding Babies

Please watch if you are planning to give your baby a bottle. Paced bottle feeding is a great tool to help protect the breastfeeding relationship.

Babies are smart, and will choose the path of least resistance when it comes to how they get their food. Paced bottle feeding helps bottle feeds to be more simliar to the breastfeeding experience, making the transition between the two easier.

How to Give a Bottle to a Breastfed Baby”

Blog By Rachel O’Brien

If you are a reader, this is an excellent guide on introducing a bottle to your breastfed baby. Rachel is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and is an excellent resource for bottle feeding and refusal

Is baby getting enough to eat? How much do they need?

Getting Comfortable While Breastfeeding

Disclaimer: Springs Lactation is not affiliated in any way with the websites or providers linked above and is not responsible for the content they provide.

These are simply links or providers that have been helpful to clients in the past.